upon finding out that it was Arielle's birthday, Soo our Korean friend took a day off to take us out! :) what a treat to be finally out of the house on a weekday.
we went to Pandorf, Vienna by taxi - a place where designer outlets are (MNG, Zara, Nike, Polo are considered the least expensive as there are other high end designers yang ada gaya, mutu, keunggulan & wang). the shops in this place is considered cheaper than in Bratislava - not sure why tho.
we spent the afternoon shopping there and i bought my first pair of boots - which later became my birthday present coz ayl dunno what to get for me. oklah, accepted lah... can be considered reasonable coz it's close to RM500 (euro99) when converted. hehehe... i had a nice girl time with Soo and we talked about God and about our hometowns.
we got home at 5pm and then i started cooking for dinner. Yooni, Soo's husband joined us as well and he brought with him 2 boxes of local cakes (Marlenka)! it's hand made and really nice tho a lil bit on the sweet side; honey, milk, caramel i think, and nuts.
i didn't let Arielle hold any chicken drumstick like what my MIL suggested... hahaha... is it supposed to be a chinese custom? messy lah, a lot of work to clean up later. after dinner we sang Arielle her 1st birthday song and then opened some presents. Soo & Yooni were so generous. They brought 2 birthday cakes, and they also bought Arielle a nice dress from Polo RL. so nice of them.
from us, we really wanted to get her a gold chain or some kind of jewellery for keepsake, but over here it's really pricey and most of it are not nice. maybe we went to the wrong place? dunno... but ayl says that we'll get for her when we go back to Msia, hopefully he remembers. so, i took up what peich suggested, i'll make a scrap book for her with pics from when i was pregnant which includes her pics in the womb, and continued till she's 3 y.o.? see how la... she's got sooooo many pics i dunno how to choose! what do you guys think? gimme your thoughts ...
she looks so cute in her new dress!!!
Nice boots..can kick some a$$ with it! heh...
Arielle look so cute in the bumble bee dress...heh..feel like cubiting her...
thanks guys... i guess Soo's got a good eye for kid's clothes. she's really good with them too :)
go to studio or get a pro photographer and shoot a proper family portrait lor...oni my eldest sis has one...and it's like precious to her and my parents.
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